2015 Woodcock Surveys
For the past month or so I've been conducting Woodcock Surveys for
the University of Arkansas. A professor there is studying Woodcock
migration, and Cari, a creative graduate student working on a
masters degree and assisting with the study reached out seeking
volunteers to submit data. She built a team of volunteers on her own
initiative, mainly because the university needed data pertaining to
Woodcock migration, and they lacked funds. To date she has 260
volunteers in four states.
Over the late winter and early spring I conducted about fifteen
surveys, each consisting of staking out a potential display field
and then waiting for darkness--the mating displays normally begin
about twenty minutes after sunset. I checked a different spot each
night because they wanted multiple sites surveyed rather than the
same ones multiple times. I either saw or heard Woodcock during all
but three or four nights on prospective Woodcock display fields
ranging over three counties.
The study ends in Illinois today, 9 April; however, Woodcock mating
displays, for resident birds, will continue for at least another
month--we usually get them on the Spring Bird Count. Here are some
things I learned during this year's surveys:
The early Woodcock arrivals are most likely migrants that won't
stick around. During migration, like most birds, they're excited to
get up to their nesting grounds, and because their hormone levels
are rising, perform mating displays at stopover locations while
waiting for the next winds from the south. (Very few birds can fly
long distances against the wind, and wait for winds blowing the
direction they want to go.) During their trip north, they can be
found displaying in a wide range of habitat. I found them one night
in an agricultural field, and Cari told me that another volunteer
once found them in a city park.
Migration ended here, I think, a week or so ago, which helps explain
why our Woodcock Mating Display field trip of 30 March was not a
resounding success. The date was midway between the departure of
migrating birds and the smaller number of resident birds had either
not yet arrived or had not selected nesting location and associated
display fields. But nevertheless Woodcock were present on that
evening. We saw one, heard two or three "Peent" calls, and heard one
or two flight songs.
As Spring progresses Woodcock are found less in agricultural fields
or other abnormal habitat, mainly because migration is winding down.
The birds that nest here, of course, find their preferred habitat,
which consists of overgrown fields near woods. They nest in the
woods, hence their name, but display in open areas not far removed
from their woods so that they can be seen by females as they rise
into the air, spiraling upward to an average of 250 feet. Some of
these display areas have grasses several feet in height as well as
scattered shrubs and trees.
Great Horned Owl and Woodcock don't mix. I surveyed a field of prime
Woodcock habitat in the Santa Fe Bottoms a few nights ago. A fellow
birder spotted Woodcock there a few weeks ago, and accordingly it
was worth visiting. Shortly after dark, about the time I'd expect to
hear Woodcock, I heard instead the soft hoots of a Great Horned Owl.
It hooted five or six times, and then flew past my vehicle and
landed in a row of trees not far away. I checked with the university
about the likelihood of Great Horned Owls scaring away Woodcock, and
their response was: "As for the Great Horned Owl, yes, they will
definitely keep woodcock quiet or keep them from an area. Owls are
attracted to singing grounds
[display fields] because they can make for an easy meal, the
woodcock will react accordingly."
While waiting in the darkness on many evenings, I spotted several
species of mammals including White-tailed Deer, Coyote, Red Fox,
Raccoon, Opossum, bats, and Groundhog. All were enjoyable
alternative natural experiences.
Cari will earn her Master's degree this summer, and will enter the
real world, but I suppose another graduate student will pick up
where she leaves off, and if so, we can look forward to more fun
finding Woodcock next year.